Cute Mario Bros. Wiki

Cute Mario Bros. Movie 4:The Wrath of Gonzo[]

Cute Mario Bros. Movie 4:The Wrath of Gonzo is a Movie that is Fanmade and it is the Forth of the Movie Series.

Mushroom Kingdom Army Characters[]

  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Kermit
  4. Jack
  5. Mickey Mouse
  6. Pikachu
  7. Pikachu 2
  8. Goku
  9. Yoshi
  10. Sylvester
  11. Spongebob
  12. Patrick
  13. Thomas
  14. Toad
  15. Sonic
  16. Batman
  17. Figure Luigi
  18. Giant Grasshopper
  19. Krusty the Clown
  20. Homer Simpson
  21. Jamaican Bear
  22. Malleo
  23. Woody
  24. Weegee
  25. The Ehh Guy
  26. The U Guy


  1. Gonzo
  2. Bowser
  3. Bowser Jr.
  4. Goomba
  5. The Lizard of Doom
  1. Hammer Bro
  2. Chain Chomp
  3. Frieza
  4. Mustachio Man
  5. Shadow Mario
  6. Shadow Luigi
  7. The Oogie Boogie Man
  8. Wario
  9. Waluigi
  10. Thunderbird
  11. Fish

Other Charcters[]

Princess Peach


After the laver accident, Mario and Luigi are Chilling out and plan to go on vacation.Meanwhile Bowser and Gonzo were planing a plan to get rid of the Cute Mario Bros and all his Friends once and for all! 
